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Technological advances and challenges in 2024

With the end of the year 2023, it is possible to review all the achievements that have been made in the field of technology, however, there are certain factors that can be considered a challenge in the coming year.

According to IBM, part of the predictions for the new year fall on artificial intelligence, this given the constant advances in its development, and the confidence that is being given regarding data analysis, or to the generation of information such as text, images and video. However, IBM states that greater focus should be given to other AI tools, since, although, according to them, generative AI “is not a miracle solution,” artificial intelligence will become one of the turning points of modern history.

Regarding cybersecurity, another focus of the predictions for the new year, phenomena related to extortion are being taken into account, and the difficulties that cybercriminals are facing. A change in extortion methods, and even a change of image by Ransomware, is anticipated for this year, as more and more countries refuse to pay ransoms and entities do not give in despite the pressure. Remembering the recent attack on IFX, a telecommunications company in Colombia that suffered an attack in September 2023, in which more than 50 entities were affected, we can only wonder what the change of image of Ransomware-type attacks will be like when they are predicted. that there will be a greater focus on users and small companies.

Added to the above, it is important to take into account all the advances in quantum systems, since experts affirm that by 2030 these types of computers will be so powerful that with them it would be possible to decipher most of the security systems used in the world. Which is why it is necessary for companies of all sizes that work with sensitive data and information to begin to know and manage their own cryptography, thus protecting their information and ensuring the trust of their market.




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